Pitfalls that youth face
and how to overcome them
What is a pitfall?
Hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty/problem[1].
It is a snare/trap/for the unsuspecting/naïve/showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment. In other words, if you saw it for what it is, you would not embrace it, but rather you would flee/avoid it like a scourge. As we look at the snare, we will take two examples from the bible
- Genesis:3 1:-7:the forbidden fruit and the fall of man
3 Now the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”6When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
When the devil presented to Eve the proposal of eating the fruit, it mentions three three truths but omitted one critical truth which. Eve presents her knowledge of what God had said but the devil casts doubt on that most important factor and lo, Eve falls headlong into the devil’s snare. The devil had said: ‘the tree was good for food, a delight to the eye, desired to make one wise’ it cast doubt on life. This truth was deliberately ignored because the devil knew once Eve is dead, she automatically forfeits all the goodies in the garden. The dead neither enjoy nor celebrate the benefits of God, so keep alive
Example 2: Judah and Tamar: Genesis 38: 12-26: Tamar who was widowed needed cultural justice to be served by her father-in-law, Judah. She had been denied the opportunity to marry her brother-in-law. On hearing that Judah was to come to her city, she laid a snare in line with Judah’s appetites. She acted like a prostitute; so the unsuspecting Judah went in to her and she conceived. As part of her pledge for her services, she asked for Judah himself- his identity– his seal, cord and staff! In verse 24 when Judah learnt of her pregnancy- he ordered that she be burned immediately. However, he was the guilty one, falling the evidence she produced -the pledge. Judah had fallen in the trap headlong
We are ensnared and are trapped because we are not conscious of the fact that not everything that glitters is gold so look carefully how you walk. Walk circumspectly because the days are evil, not as the unwise but as the wise the bible say in Ephesian 5:15

Some pitfalls:
- Counterfeits’- deception- Satan loves to deceive—it is vital that we discern. I have an urgency that is arising in my heart to blow a trumpet and to warn the body of Christ. The devil is a liar and the father of lies (see John 8:44)! Now hold on as I share my heart with you. Deception about work- you can harvest where you have not sowed like our master did. Life does not have hurdles, it is easy, straight forward. There are lies about your identity- you are ugly, not loved by all except us, there are free things and easily accessible etc. Who will give you so much for free? The unsuspecting you might fall in the trap. The Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. You cannot do without sex, drugs, alcohol,
1Timothy 4:1 NASB. Ye will know the truth and the truth will set you free John 8:32
Underrating the power of sin: playing with fire- the sexual sin. Paul a great apostle, concerning lust, he does not say, ‘negotiate with it since you are strong No! but rather flee’ rather he says ‘flee’. 2 Tim 2: 20-22. The trap some of us have fallen into underrating the power of sin and thinking we are strong. But always remember the devil is scheming. No one stands before a lion, because of its reputation- the king of the jungle. Sin has brought strong people like David, bowing, king Saul disobeyed and was rejected as king. Sin is powerful so do not dilly dally- run. Flee in all dimensions: Go away physically- Pastor Mungoma fled for real. Visually be careful what you watch coz your eye is the gate to your soul. In some ways we under-rate sin is through what we watch and yet some of it is initiation into a greater evil. Some people want to belong so they compromise. The everybody, everyone does it syndrome. You are not everyone, everybody! You are you! Fearfully and wonderful made to fulfill God’s purpose on earth.
Everybody is doing it. You are not everybody
- Positioned as a means to the end: There are goals that some people will never achieve unless they USE others. Others entice you and position you as a means and you, the unsuspecting are trapped. They will never disclose that you are being used because there is no one with a true self-image can allow to be used. So, the user will package his message in such a way that it appeals to you.
- Alcohol– Big alcohol targets Africa which has the youngest population. They know the harm, the addictive nature and how lives have been wasted; no wonder they do not use drunkards on their billboards but rather attractive babes. If they told the true for what it is you would not take it so they engage in appealing adverts. They are making money at your expense. If you start using alcohol by 15 years of age, chances of becoming an addict are high. How does alcohol contribute to your dreams? This is another dream killer.
- Substance abuse– drugs, addictive, enslaving, ruined families. This is a multi-million industry. As long as you are buying, someone is getting money. Once you are hooked, addicted, dependent on the drug, that is more money in someone’s pocket. You will sell you/exchange your life for a dose because you can longer live without.
- Premarital Sex- In church we are expected to honor each other because we are all heirs of the same kingdom. Unfortunately, even in church people are using others and then dump them. It comes with praises/promises/condition for marriage, it is okay, everyone does it. At times you are a ‘medal’, proof of someone’s supremacy. ‘I can get any girl I want’, some young men claim. After the indulgency if, results in pregnancy girls are advised to abort.
- The quest to belong- negative Peer pressure: Be ye not conformed to the standards of this world, but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is the good and acceptable and perfect Rom:12:2, Proverbs 13:20 whoever walks with the wise is wise but the companion of fools will suffer harm
Psalm 1: blessed is the man who does not walk
1 Cor: 15:33 Do not be deceived: bad company ruins good morals
Proverbs 1: 10 My son if sinners entice you do not consent
Acts 5:29 But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘we rather must obey God rather than man.
- Everyone/everybody is doing it syndrome. You are not everybody. How many habits have you taken on because your friends are involved in the same. It is a lie, not everyone does it, because you do not do it that is why they are persuading you to go for it. Those who do it are louder than those who do not. For example, one of the studies by Uganda Youth Development Link indicated that 33% of the interviewed youth drunk while 67% did not. The majority/minority rations
- Opportunities of the Global village and advancement in technology: The use of internet and advance of social media: In fact, the average teen spends over nine hours each day using their electronic devices- USA. When you have Internet with a phone, you have the world in your hands/What you use it for is known to you. Sin thrives in privacy
- Social media has resulted into compromised communication skills/ability- We do not know how to interact with each other physically. The virtue person is more stress free. So people get married and cannot communicate. People do not learn the social cues and be informed of communication that help kids to read other people and react appropriately- expressions, the body language, tone of the voice, personal space and boundaries.
- Breed insensitivity-talking to people on a one on one is different from dealing with them on social media. There are statements one will never tell another if it is face to face. However, the invisible people we deal with on social media creates a hard/insensitive person who cares not about how the recipient of the message will feel. But worse still not aware how the world will view you the author.
- Pornography in our hands: all information that is uncensored in the hands of children and youth. Evil thrives in darkness, the saying goes. When alone in your world, you open up another world that is real to you and you fill your head with so much filth, which has enslaving powers. Once enslaves, education suffers, relationships with others and later marriage fails if not delivered. One have to
- Bullying/Sexting– sending text messages but with sexual message[i].
- Self worth: Affects self-worth because people want the perfection, they see in the social media which many times is not (pursuit for the non-existent)
- Read and study God’s word: Joshua 1: 8 let the book of the Law not depart from your mouth but meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to observe everything that is written in it then will you be prosperous. Study God’s word, following through as it is read irrespective of who is reading it. It will show you your worth in addition to God’s standards
- Set your goal and stay focused: It is not easy to get derailed if you know where you are heading and what your target is. You will always ask how an action or choice made contributes to your big picture
- Making meaningful friends: look for people who can add value to you- seek wise counsel
- Make yourself accountable, do not keep to yourself: get someone who will call a spade a spade and a big spoon so, and make yourself accountable. That person should be the kind who has your future and interest at heart. Great kings of old would consult priests, people who know the heart and mind of God. These are the people who would speak into their lives; David had Nathan, Saul had Samuel.
- Cry out: Seek help as soon as you realize that you are drifting away. The devil will keep whispering- they will judge you, no, there are open arms to embrace you and support you. Better face crucifixion as you seek help rather than sink into a habit. Your destiny is bigger than your mistake
Dare to be different – set the pace, and get good role models. Do not look to those who failed. There are enough examples of those who made it.
[i] https://www.verywellfamily.com/startling-facts-about-todays-teenagers-2608914
[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=what+are+pitfalls&oq=waht+are+pit&aqs=chrome.4.69i57j0i13l9.14629j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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