How Are You Lord?

The sun had arise, yet my morning was gloomy The birds were singing, yet my all was silent. The surrounding was calm, yet my inner man was in turbulence. Multitudes surrounded me, yet loneliness engulfed me. Laughter was heard in my ears, yet sorrow was biting like morning coldness. I was missing Him, the Loveliest of all, so it had to be a how-are-You-Lord day!

Life was filled with emptiness  so the search

The gloomy morning

I have missed you, I need to touch base with you. Just touching base with you, my heart’s desire is, touching base with you. You will talk first my dear friend, this moment is for You, it is about touching base with You, for I miss you! I confide in those who fear me, was Your initial submission. Becoming Your confidant consumed me, on that How-Are-You-Lord day

The risen sun

The sun, the promise of the day

Your heart you poured out, indeed it was touching base with You. You too had long waited for me, to touch base with me. The feeling was mutual and there I felt Your touch. For in touching base You, You touched base with me. You emptied me, that room for You would be created. That You in me and I in You our fellowship would last into eternity

My world was transformed, that I may see the light of the sun. That I may rejoice in the song of the birds. That I may share in the laughter from the heart. And in tranquility of all around me, for my heavy burdens you lifted and laid at the foot of the cross. What a How-Are-You-Lord day, it was!